mandag 20. april 2015

European Youth Week

We are in the middle of planning the european youth week. It is a campaign to show which possibilities young people have to become active and be a part of the society.
It will take place during the weeks of the 25. April- 10. May all over Europe and there will be different activities and events.
We here in Stavanger will start with a big kick off, the "Fritidsklubbenes Dag" to promote the youthclubs on the 25th of April in the city centre. We volunteers will have our own stand and speak about the EVS. So come and join us!
During the following two weeks we will have a lot of activities spread over all the youthclubs and the library in Stavanger. We volunteers for example will organise an EVS evening with selfmade food and games and there will be debates and food workshops and a lot of other things.


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